Do natural makeup and skin care products work?
We've all seen "grass-fed" this and "organic" that when we go food shopping at the supermarket. But is it important to care about the...

3 small things to do every day to make your 2018 goals happen
1. Morning mantra meditation Before scrolling through Instagram or checking emails, read a mantra full of positive affirmations related...

Is seasonal depression real?
As the temperatures drop and the winter jackets emerge, many people will be diagnosed with seasonal depression, also called seasonal...

5 New Years Resolutions That Will Benefit Your Mental Health
Every New Year, we think about what we can do to better our lives and ourselves as we start our new calendar. This year, think about what...

Diet linked with Anxiety & Depression
DID YOU KNOW THAT YOUR DIET COULD MAKE YOUR ANXIETY OR DEPRESSION WORSE? Yes it's true — What you eat matters! It is not only responsible...

Heal Depression/Anxiety
Feeling any of the following? -Anger? -Irritability? -Frustration? -Feel stuck emotionally? -Depression? In Chinese medicine, these...

8 Tips for getting a Good Night Sleep
Stress is the way that our body responds to the stressors of daily life. It impacts on our emotions, our physical body, and our behavior....

Changing our definition on beauty
Beauty, we are told, is in the eye of the beholder. As women, we continually seek approval and feel judged by how we look, regardless of...

Understanding Food Sensitivites
Foods and Diets are as trendy as the latest fashion promoted in social media. Often times we follow the trend and consume foods that...

5 Breathing Techniques to Fight Stress
Breathing is something we do all day, every day in order to stay alive. But how often do you stop to think about how your breathing...