5 New Years Resolutions That Will Benefit Your Mental Health
Every New Year, we think about what we can do to better our lives and ourselves as we start our new calendar. This year, think about what...

5 Breathing Techniques to Fight Stress
Breathing is something we do all day, every day in order to stay alive. But how often do you stop to think about how your breathing...

Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction Exercises and Courses
The reality of stress is that we all deal with it everyday whether we’re old or young, lofty thinkers or practical doers. The person you...

Quiet Time
Hustle and bustle are part of our everyday life. We are constantly living in an environment of noise. Be it the sounds of human activity,...

Benefits of Mindfulness : Practices for Improving Emotional and Physical Well-Being
It’s a busy world. You fold the laundry while keeping one eye on the kids and another on the television. You plan your day while...